throw away
- 英英辞典の意味: To dispose of something by discarding it.
- 日本語の意味: 捨てる
- 同義語: discard, toss, get rid of
- 例文:
- "I need to throw away these old newspapers."
- "I need to throw away these old newspapers."
put away
- 英英辞典の意味: To place something in its proper location after use.
- 日本語の意味: 片付ける
- 同義語: store, tidy up, organize
- 例文:
- "Please put away your toys before dinner."
- "Please put away your toys before dinner."
fill up
- 英英辞典の意味: To make something full by adding more of something.
- 日本語の意味: 満たす、いっぱいにする
- 同義語: top up, replenish, load
- 例文:
- "She filled up the car's gas tank."
- "She filled up the car's gas tank."
come across
- 英英辞典の意味: To encounter or find something by chance.
- 日本語の意味: 偶然見つける、出会う
- 同義語: encounter, stumble upon, discover
- 例文:
- "I came across an old friend at the market."
- "I came across an old friend at the market."
come across as
- 英英辞典の意味: To give a certain impression, often unintentionally.
- 日本語の意味: ~のように見える、印象を与える
- 同義語: seem, appear, give the impression
- 例文:
- "He comes across as very confident."
- "He comes across as very confident."
hang around
- 英英辞典の意味: To stay in a place without any specific purpose or to loiter.
- 日本語の意味: ぶらぶらする、たむろする
- 同義語: loiter, linger, wait around
- 例文:
- "They often hang around the park after school."
- "They often hang around the park after school."
stick around
- 英英辞典の意味: To stay in a place for a period of time, especially waiting for something.
- 日本語の意味: 居残る、待つ
- 同義語: remain, stay put, linger
- 例文:
- "I'll stick around until the meeting is over."
- "I'll stick around until the meeting is over."
stay awhile
- 英英辞典の意味: To remain in a place for a short period of time.
- 日本語の意味: 少しの間滞在する
- 同義語: linger, stick around, stay put
- 例文:
- "Why don't you stay awhile and have some coffee?"
- "Why don't you stay awhile and have some coffee?"
go over
- 英英辞典の意味: To review or examine something carefully.
- 日本語の意味: 見直す、詳しく調べる
- 同義語: review, examine, check
- 例文:
- "Let's go over the details one more time."
- "Let's go over the details one more time."
look up
- 英英辞典の意味: To search for information in a reference book or database.
- 日本語の意味: 調べる、検索する
- 同義語: search, seek, consult
- 例文:
- "I need to look up the word in the dictionary."
- "I need to look up the word in the dictionary."
alarm clock
- 英英辞典の意味: A clock that can be set to sound an alarm at a desired time.
- 日本語の意味: 目覚まし時計
- 同義語: timepiece (specific to context)
- 例文:
- "I set my alarm clock for 6 a.m."
- "I set my alarm clock for 6 a.m."
social networking sites
- 英英辞典の意味: Online platforms that allow users to connect with others and share content.
- 日本語の意味: ソーシャルネットワーキングサイト
- 同義語: social media, online communities
- 例文:
- "She spends a lot of time on social networking sites."
- "She spends a lot of time on social networking sites."
- 英英辞典の意味: The inner surface of the hand between the wrist and the fingers.
- 日本語の意味: 手のひら
- 同義語: hand (specific to the inner part)
- 例文:
- "She placed the coin in my palm."
- "She placed the coin in my palm."
suck up
- 英英辞典の意味: To absorb or take in something, typically a liquid.
- 日本語の意味: 吸い上げる、吸収する
- 同義語: absorb, soak up, draw in
- 例文:
- "The sponge quickly sucked up the spilled water."
- "The sponge quickly sucked up the spilled water."
- 英英辞典の意味: The materials used to cover and pad furniture, such as fabric, padding, and springs.
- 日本語の意味: (家具の)張り地、クッション材
- 同義語: covering, fabric, padding
- 例文:
- "The upholstery on the sofa was worn out."
- "The upholstery on the sofa was worn out."
- 英英辞典の意味: Long, heavy curtains, often used for decoration.
- 日本語の意味: (装飾用の)カーテン、ドレープ
- 同義語: curtains, hangings, drapes
- 例文:
- "The elegant drapery added a touch of luxury to the room."
- "The elegant drapery added a touch of luxury to the room."
- 英英辞典の意味: Relating to activities done for enjoyment or leisure.
- 日本語の意味: レクリエーションの、娯楽の
- 同義語: leisure, entertainment, fun
- 例文:
- "The park offers various recreational activities."
- "The park offers various recreational activities."
- 英英辞典の意味: The act of moving people or goods from one place to another.
- 日本語の意味: 輸送、交通手段
- 同義語: transportation, conveyance, transit
- 例文:
- "Public transport in the city is very efficient."
- "Public transport in the city is very efficient."
electric fan
- 英英辞典の意味: A device that uses an electric motor to spin blades that circulate air.
- 日本語の意味: 扇風機
- 同義語: fan, blower
- 例文:
- "I use an electric fan to cool down the room."
- "I use an electric fan to cool down the room."
remote control
- 英英辞典の意味: A device used to operate electronic equipment from a distance.
- 日本語の意味: リモコン
- 同義語: clicker, controller
- 例文:
- "I lost the remote control for the TV."
- "I lost the remote control for the TV."
cooking pot
- 英英辞典の意味: A deep, round container used for cooking food on a stove.
- 日本語の意味: 鍋
- 同義語: saucepan, stewpot, cauldron
- 例文:
- "She boiled the vegetables in a large cooking pot."
- "She boiled the vegetables in a large cooking pot."
digital thermometer
- 英英辞典の意味: A thermometer that displays temperature readings digitally.
- 日本語の意味: デジタル温度計
- 同義語: electronic thermometer, temp gauge
- 例文:
- "The nurse used a digital thermometer to check my temperature."
- "The nurse used a digital thermometer to check my temperature."