『NieR: Automata』Narrative Summary by ChatGPT
(1) 『NieR: Automata』is an action RPG set in a distant future Earth, where the planet is invaded by extraterrestrial beings who create machine lifeforms (Machines). The story revolves around the battle between these Machines and the androids (YoRHa) created by humanity as they try to protect what remains of humanity.
(2) The narrative focuses on two main characters of the YoRHa unit, 2B and 9S. They fight against the Machines to protect humanity and unravel mysteries surrounding their existence. The story is intricate, with philosophical themes and deep character conflicts explored throughout.
Japanese by DeepL
(1) 「NieR:Automata(ニーア オートマタ)』は、機械生命体(マシーン)を生み出す地球外生命体に侵略された遠い未来の地球を舞台にしたアクションRPGだ。人類が生み出したアンドロイド(YoRHa)とマシーンたちとの戦いを軸に、残された人類を守ろうとする物語が展開する。
(2) 物語はヨルハ部隊の2人の主人公、2Bと9Sに焦点を当てる。彼らは人類を守るためにマシーンと戦い、彼らの存在にまつわる謎を解き明かしていく。ストーリーは複雑で、哲学的なテーマやキャラクターの深い葛藤が随所で描かれる。
Vocabulary selected by Hiroaki
set in(過去分詞)
extraterrestrial beings
Scientists discovered new lifeforms in the deep ocean.
Different lifeforms have adapted to survive in extreme environments.
「人類」や「人間性」を意味します。文脈によって、人類全体を指す場合や、人間の特性や慈悲深さを指す場合があります。Climate change is a serious threat to humanity.
Showing kindness and compassion is an essential part of our humanity.
what remains of
「〜の残り」「〜の残存」を意味します。これは、元々あったものの一部が残っている状況を表すフレーズです。The survivors are rebuilding what remains of their community.
They are trying to protect what remains of the ancient ruins.
She tried to unravel the tangled threads of the old necklace.
explored throughout
The novel's themes of love and loss are explored throughout the story.
The documentary explores the history of the city throughout its different eras.
The film explores the complexities of human emotions throughout its narrative.