1. Advise O
- 英英辞典の意味: To recommend or suggest something to someone.
- 日本語訳: (人に)何かを勧める、提案する
- 例文:
- The doctor advised him to quit smoking.
(医者は彼に禁煙するよう勧めた。) - I advised my friend to take the job offer.
- The doctor advised him to quit smoking.
2. Advise that
- 英英辞典の意味: To recommend or suggest that someone does something.
- 日本語訳: ~するように勧める、提案する
- 例文:
- The lawyer advised that he should plead guilty.
(弁護士は彼に罪を認めるよう勧めた。) - The teacher advised that students review their notes regularly.
- The lawyer advised that he should plead guilty.
3. Advise O against
- 英英辞典の意味: To recommend someone not to do something.
- 日本語訳: (人に)~しないように勧める
- 例文:
- His parents advised him against going out late at night.
(彼の両親は彼に夜遅くに外出しないように勧めた。) - The doctor advised her against eating too much sugar.
- His parents advised him against going out late at night.
4. Advise O on
- 英英辞典の意味: To give someone advice or information about a particular topic or issue.
- 日本語訳: (人に)特定の話題や問題についてアドバイスをする
- 例文:
- The consultant advised the company on how to improve efficiency.
(コンサルタントは会社に効率を向上させる方法についてアドバイスをした。) - She advised me on the best way to prepare for the interview.
- The consultant advised the company on how to improve efficiency.
5. Advise O to do
- 英英辞典の意味: To recommend someone to do something.
- 日本語訳: (人に)~するように勧める
- 例文:
- I advised him to see a doctor immediately.
(私は彼にすぐに医者に診てもらうように勧めた。) - The teacher advised the students to start their projects early.
- I advised him to see a doctor immediately.
6. Advise O 疑問詞
- 英英辞典の意味: To give someone guidance or recommendations about how, where, when, or what to do.
- 日本語訳: (人に)どうすべきか、どこですべきか、いつすべきか、何をすべきかについてアドバイスする
- 例文:
- She advised me where to find the best local restaurants.
(彼女は私に地元で最も良いレストランを見つける場所を教えてくれた。) - The coach advised the team on how to improve their defense.
- She advised me where to find the best local restaurants.
7. Advise O that
- 英英辞典の意味: To inform someone about something, often with a recommendation or warning.
- 日本語訳: (人に)~ということを知らせる、伝える
- 例文:
- The company advised its employees that the office would be closed due to the storm.
(会社は従業員に嵐のためオフィスが閉鎖されることを伝えた。) - He advised her that the meeting had been rescheduled.
- The company advised its employees that the office would be closed due to the storm.
8. Advise O of
- 英英辞典の意味: To notify or inform someone about something.
- 日本語訳: (人に)~について知らせる
- 例文:
- Please advise me of any changes to the schedule.
(スケジュールに変更があれば教えてください。) - The manager advised the team of the new policy.
- Please advise me of any changes to the schedule.