- 英英辞典の意味: To become bad or not fit to eat or use; to be treated too leniently, causing bad behavior or a sense of entitlement.
- 日本語の意味: 食べ物や物が悪くなる、腐る。または、甘やかされて育つ。
- 同義語: rotten (for food), pampered (for behavior)
- 例文:
- The milk has spoiled and can't be used anymore.
(牛乳が腐ってしまって、もう使えない。) - The child was spoiled by his grandparents, who gave him everything he wanted.
- The milk has spoiled and can't be used anymore.
feel sick
- 英英辞典の意味: To feel unwell or nauseous.
- 日本語の意味: 気分が悪い、吐き気がする。
- 同義語: feel ill, feel nauseous
- 例文:
- I feel sick after eating that seafood.
(あのシーフードを食べた後、気分が悪い。) - She said she was starting to feel sick during the long car ride.
- I feel sick after eating that seafood.
be not sure
- 英英辞典の意味: To not be certain or confident about something.
- 日本語の意味: 確信がない、確かでない。
- 同義語: be uncertain, be doubtful
- 例文:
- I’m not sure if I can attend the meeting tomorrow.
(明日の会議に出席できるかどうか分からない。) - She’s not sure about what to wear to the party.
- I’m not sure if I can attend the meeting tomorrow.
make one feel
- 英英辞典の意味: To cause someone to experience a particular emotion or sensation.
- 日本語の意味: (人に)ある感情や感覚を抱かせる。
- 同義語: cause one to feel, evoke a feeling
- 例文:
- The movie made me feel happy.
(その映画は私を幸せな気持ちにさせた。) - Her words made him feel guilty.
- The movie made me feel happy.
sore (adjective)
- 英英辞典の意味: Painful or aching.
- 日本語の意味: 痛い、ひりひりする。
- 同義語: aching, tender
- 例文:
- My muscles are sore after the workout.
(運動の後で筋肉が痛い。) - She had a sore throat from the cold.
- My muscles are sore after the workout.
pain (noun)
- 英英辞典の意味: Physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.
- 日本語の意味: 痛み、苦痛。
- 同義語: discomfort, agony
- 例文:
- He felt sharp pain in his back.
(彼は背中に鋭い痛みを感じた。) - The medication helped reduce the pain.
- He felt sharp pain in his back.
pain (verb)
- 英英辞典の意味: To cause someone physical or emotional pain.
- 日本語の意味: (人に)肉体的または精神的な痛みを与える。
- 同義語: hurt, distress
- 例文:
- It pains me to see you suffering.
(君が苦しんでいるのを見るのは辛い。) - His betrayal pained her deeply.
- It pains me to see you suffering.
- 英英辞典の意味: Causing physical or emotional pain.
- 日本語の意味: 痛い、痛みを伴う、辛い。
- 同義語: distressing, excruciating
- 例文:
- It was a painful experience to lose her.
(彼女を失うのは辛い経験だった。) - The surgery was painful, but necessary.
- It was a painful experience to lose her.
hurt (verb)
- 英英辞典の意味: To cause pain or injury to someone or something.
- 日本語の意味: (人や物を)傷つける、痛める。
- 同義語: injure, wound
- 例文:
- She hurt her ankle while playing soccer.
(彼女はサッカーをしている間に足首を痛めた。) - His words really hurt her feelings.
- She hurt her ankle while playing soccer.
ache (noun)
- 英英辞典の意味: A continuous, dull pain.
- 日本語の意味: 鈍い痛み、うずき。
- 同義語: soreness, throbbing
- 例文:
- I have a dull ache in my lower back.
(腰に鈍い痛みがある。) - The headache turned into a constant ache.
- I have a dull ache in my lower back.
- 英英辞典の意味: Damage or harm caused to the body by an external force.
- 日本語の意味: けが、負傷。
- 同義語: harm, trauma
- 例文:
- He suffered a serious injury during the game.
(彼は試合中に重傷を負った。) - The doctor treated her injury quickly.
- He suffered a serious injury during the game.
- 英英辞典の意味: An injury to the body, especially one in which the skin is cut or broken.
- 日本語の意味: 傷、負傷。
- 同義語: cut, lesion
- 例文:
- The soldier had a deep wound on his arm.
(その兵士は腕に深い傷を負っていた。) - The wound took weeks to heal.
- The soldier had a deep wound on his arm.
hung the laundry
- 英英辞典の意味: To hang clothes or other items that have been washed so that they can dry.
- 日本語の意味: 洗濯物を干した。
- 同義語: dry the clothes, hang up the laundry
- 例文:
- She hung the laundry outside to dry.
(彼女は洗濯物を外に干して乾かした。) - After washing, I hung the laundry on the balcony.
- She hung the laundry outside to dry.
get wet
- 英英辞典の意味: To become covered or saturated with water.
- 日本語の意味: 濡れる。
- 同義語: become soaked, get drenched
- 例文:
- We got wet in the rain without an umbrella.
(傘がなくて雨に濡れた。) - Be careful not to get your clothes wet.
- We got wet in the rain without an umbrella.
start doing
- 英英辞典の意味: To begin performing an action or activity.
- 日本語の意味: ~し始める。
- 同義語: begin doing, commence
- 例文:
- She started studying for the exam yesterday.
(彼女は昨日から試験勉強を始めた。) - They started cleaning the house early in the morning.
- She started studying for the exam yesterday.
do the laundry
- 英英辞典の意味: To wash clothes and other items made of fabric.
- 日本語の意味: 洗濯をする。
- 同義語: wash the clothes, clean the laundry
- 例文:
- I need to do the laundry this afternoon.
(今日の午後、洗濯をしないといけない。) - She does the laundry every weekend.
- I need to do the laundry this afternoon.
do the shopping
- 英英辞典の意味: To go and buy groceries or other necessary items.
- 日本語の意味: 買い物をする。
- 同義語: go shopping, buy groceries
- 例文:
- I usually do the shopping on Saturdays.
(私は普段、土曜日に買い物をします。) - He went out to do the shopping for dinner.
- I usually do the shopping on Saturdays.