protect one from
- 英英辞典の意味: To keep someone safe from harm or danger.
- 日本語訳: 〜を守る、〜から保護する
- 同義語: shield, defend, safeguard
- 例文:
- Parents try to protect their children from any harm.
(親は子供をどんな危害からも守ろうとする。) - The sunscreen will protect you from the sun's harmful rays.
- Parents try to protect their children from any harm.
- 英英辞典の意味: To a greater degree or extent.
- 日本語訳: さらに、もっと先へ
- 同義語: more, additional, beyond
- 例文:
- We need to investigate this issue further before making a decision.
(決定を下す前に、この問題をさらに調査する必要があります。) - She went further in her studies than anyone else in her class.
- We need to investigate this issue further before making a decision.
unsteady on their feet
- 英英辞典の意味: Not stable or balanced while standing or walking.
- 日本語訳: 足元がふらついている
- 同義語: wobbly, unstable, shaky
- 例文:
- After the surgery, he was unsteady on his feet for a few days.
(手術の後、彼は数日間足元がふらついていた。) - The elderly man was unsteady on his feet and needed assistance.
- After the surgery, he was unsteady on his feet for a few days.
- 英英辞典の意味: Having a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities.
- 日本語訳: 障害のある
- 同義語: disabled, challenged, impaired
- 例文:
- The school provides special facilities for handicapped students.
(その学校は障害のある学生のために特別な設備を提供している。) - He has been handicapped since birth but has never let it stop him.
- The school provides special facilities for handicapped students.
- 英英辞典の意味: To give someone a job to do for payment.
- 日本語訳: 雇う、採用する
- 同義語: hire, recruit, engage
- 例文:
- The company employs over 500 workers.
(その会社は500人以上の従業員を雇用している。) - They employed a new strategy to increase sales.
- The company employs over 500 workers.
- 英英辞典の意味: The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or gender.
- 日本語訳: 差別、区別
- 同義語: bias, prejudice, unfairness
- 例文:
- The law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race or gender.
(法律は人種や性別に基づく差別を禁止している。) - She faced discrimination at work because of her age.
- The law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race or gender.
- 英英辞典の意味: A fault, blemish, or undesirable feature.
- 日本語訳: 欠点、欠陥
- 同義語: flaws, defects, shortcomings
- 例文:
- Everyone has imperfections, but it's important to embrace them.
(誰にでも欠点はありますが、それを受け入れることが大切です。) - The diamond had a few small imperfections, but it was still valuable.
- Everyone has imperfections, but it's important to embrace them.
in a certain field
- 英英辞典の意味: Within a specific area of expertise or activity.
- 日本語訳: 特定の分野で
- 同義語: in a specific area, in a particular domain
- 例文:
- She is an expert in a certain field of biology.
(彼女は生物学の特定の分野の専門家です。) - In a certain field, experience is more valuable than education.
- She is an expert in a certain field of biology.
complete limbs
- 英英辞典の意味: All four limbs (arms and legs) being intact and functional.
- 日本語訳: 完全な手足
- 同義語: full limbs, intact limbs
- 例文:
- He was born with complete limbs and had no physical disabilities.
(彼は完全な手足を持って生まれ、身体的障害はありませんでした。) - Athletes with complete limbs often have an advantage in certain sports.
- He was born with complete limbs and had no physical disabilities.
seat reserved for
- 英英辞典の意味: A seat that is kept available for a specific group of people or purpose.
- 日本語訳: 〜のために予約された席、指定席
- 同義語: designated seat, reserved spot
- 例文:
- This seat is reserved for elderly passengers.
(この席は高齢者のために予約されています。) - There is a seat reserved for you at the front row.
- This seat is reserved for elderly passengers.
pregnant women
- 英英辞典の意味: Women who are expecting a baby.
- 日本語訳: 妊婦
- 同義語: expecting mothers, mothers-to-be
- 例文:
- The hospital provides special care for pregnant women.
(その病院は妊婦に特別なケアを提供しています。) - Pregnant women should avoid certain foods for their health.
- The hospital provides special care for pregnant women.
offer O1 O2
- 英英辞典の意味: To present or provide something (O2) to someone (O1) as an option or gift.
- 日本語訳: O1にO2を提供する、O1にO2を申し出る
- 同義語: give, present, propose
- 例文:
- The company offered him a promotion.
(会社は彼に昇進を提案しました。) - She offered the guests some tea.
- The company offered him a promotion.
- 英英辞典の意味: Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
- 日本語訳: 偏見、先入観
- 同義語: bias, partiality, preconceived notion
- 例文:
- Prejudice can lead to unfair treatment of individuals.
(偏見は個人に対する不公平な扱いにつながることがあります。) - We must fight against prejudice in all its forms.
- Prejudice can lead to unfair treatment of individuals.
- 英英辞典の意味: A settled way of thinking or feeling about something, typically reflected in a person's behavior.
- 日本語訳: 態度、考え方
- 同義語: outlook, mindset, approach
- 例文:
- Her positive attitude helped her overcome the challenges.
(彼女の前向きな態度が、彼女を困難に打ち勝たせました。) - His attitude towards work has always been very serious.
- Her positive attitude helped her overcome the challenges.
related to
- 英英辞典の意味: Connected with or associated with something.
- 日本語訳: 〜に関連する
- 同義語: connected with, associated with, linked to
- 例文:
- The book is related to the history of Japan.
(その本は日本の歴史に関連しています。) - Is this issue related to our project?
- The book is related to the history of Japan.
- 英英辞典の意味: To relieve someone of the symptoms of a disease or condition.
- 日本語訳: 治す、治療する
- 同義語: heal, remedy, treat
- 例文:
- The doctor was able to cure her illness.
(医師は彼女の病気を治すことができました。) - Scientists are searching for a cure for cancer.
- The doctor was able to cure her illness.
- 英英辞典の意味: Illegal or immoral behavior.
- 日本語訳: 不正行為、悪事
- 同義語: misconduct, crime, offense
- 例文:
- The company was accused of wrongdoing in its financial dealings.
(その会社は財務取引において不正行為で非難された。) - He admitted to his wrongdoing and apologized.
- The company was accused of wrongdoing in its financial dealings.
- 英英辞典の意味: A sign or piece of information that suggests something.
- 日本語訳: 兆候、指示
- 同義語: sign, signal, suggestion
- 例文:
- The first indication of the problem was a strange noise from the engine.
(問題の最初の兆候は、エンジンからの奇妙な音でした。) - Her smile was an indication that she was happy with the results.
- The first indication of the problem was a strange noise from the engine.