Stand for の意味と使い方
1. Symbolize, Represent
- Explanation: "Stand for" in this sense is used when a symbol or abbreviation represents something else.
- Japanese: この意味では、「stand for」は記号や略語が何かを象徴したり、表したりする場合に使われます。
- Example Sentences:
- The letters "UN" stand for "United Nations."
- 「UN」という文字は「国際連合」を意味します。
- The color red often stands for passion or love.
- 赤色はしばしば情熱や愛を象徴します。
- The letters "UN" stand for "United Nations."
2. Support, Endorse
- Explanation: In this usage, "stand for" means to support certain beliefs, values, or people.
- Japanese: この意味では、「stand for」はある信念、価値観、または人々を支持することを表します。
- Example Sentences:
- She stands for equal rights for all people.
- 彼女はすべての人々に平等な権利を支持しています。
- Our organization stands for environmental protection.
- 私たちの組織は環境保護を支持しています。
- She stands for equal rights for all people.
3. Tolerate, Put up with (Typically used in negative sentences)
- Explanation: "Stand for" in this context refers to whether someone can tolerate or allow something unpleasant or wrong, often used in negative sentences.
- Japanese: この意味では、「stand for」は不快なことや間違ったことを許容するかどうかを指します。特に否定文で使用されます。
- Example Sentences:
- I won’t stand for such behavior in my class.
- 私のクラスではそのような行動は許しません。
- He cannot stand for dishonesty in the workplace.
- 彼は職場での不正を容認できません。
- I won’t stand for such behavior in my class.
4. Run for a position (Especially in British English)
- Explanation: "Stand for" is used when someone runs for an election or a position, particularly in British English.
- Japanese: この意味では、「stand for」は選挙に立候補することを表します。特に英国英語で使用されます。
- Example Sentences:
- She decided to stand for Parliament.
- 彼女は議会に立候補することを決めました。
- He is standing for mayor in the upcoming election.
- 彼は次の選挙で市長に立候補しています。
Run for と Stand for の違い
1. "Run for"
Meaning: "Run for" is commonly used in American English to describe someone who is a candidate in an election or seeking a position.
Usage: This phrase is more direct and commonly used across different contexts, particularly in the U.S.
Example Sentences:
- He is running for president in the next election.
- 彼は次の選挙で大統領に立候補しています。
- She decided to run for city council.
- 彼女は市議会に立候補することを決めました。
- He is running for president in the next election.
Japanese Explanation: "Run for" は、アメリカ英語で主に選挙に出馬することを表します。より直接的で、幅広い文脈で使われます。
2. "Stand for"
Meaning: "Stand for" is more commonly used in British English with a similar meaning, referring to someone who is a candidate in an election or campaign.
Usage: While it can be used in the same way as "run for," it often has a slightly more formal tone and is used less frequently in American English.
Example Sentences:
- She is standing for Parliament in the upcoming election.
- 彼女は次の選挙で議会に立候補しています。
- He stood for mayor last year.
- 彼は昨年、市長選に立候補しました。
- She is standing for Parliament in the upcoming election.
Japanese Explanation: "Stand for" は主にイギリス英語で選挙に立候補することを意味します。少しフォーマルなトーンがあり、アメリカ英語ではあまり使われません。
- "Run for": Commonly used in American English, straightforward and widely applicable.
- "Stand for": More formal, often used in British English, but can also mean to represent or symbolize something, which "run for" does not.
Stand for の言い換え
1. Represent or Symbolize
- Synonyms: represent, symbolize, signify, mean
- Example:
- "The dove stands for peace."
- Synonym: "The dove symbolizes peace."
2. Support or Endorse
- Synonyms: support, endorse, advocate, uphold
- Example:
- "She stands for equality and justice."
- Synonym: "She supports equality and justice."
3. Tolerate or Accept (usually in the negative)
- Synonyms: tolerate, accept, put up with, endure
- Example:
- "I won't stand for this kind of behavior."
- Synonym: "I won't tolerate this kind of behavior."
4. Run for a Position (especially in British English)
- Synonyms: run for, campaign for, be a candidate for
- Example:
- "He stood for parliament last year."
- Synonym: "He ran for parliament last year."