Do you have habits or hobbies?
If you start to do something, you may want to choose activities you genuinely enjoy because, as you know, you probably couldn't stick with something you didn't really enjoy in the past. Recently, I heard that people who truly enjoy their work can be successful. I agree with this. Now, as I recall, I can't remember things I didn't really enjoy.
For example, there's a difference between studying English and actually having a conversation. I have studied various English vocabulary books before, but I can hardly remember their contents. On the other hand, I do remember the content of conversations I've had with people from other countries. I believe this is because enjoyable conversations deeply connect to your memories.
From this experience, I recommend that if you want to improve your conversational English, you should make time to talk in English with native speakers regularly, even if you think you're not good at speaking yet.
Translated by DeepL
日本語訳: 本当に、心から
英英辞典の定義: In a sincere or honest way; truly or really.
He genuinely cares about his friends.
- 彼は本当に友達を気にかけている。
I was genuinely surprised by the news.
- そのニュースに本当に驚いた。
She genuinely enjoys helping others.
- 彼女は本当に他人を助けることを楽しんでいる。
Stick With
日本語訳: ~に従う、~を続ける
英英辞典の定義: To continue doing something or using someone, especially when it is difficult or challenging.
You should stick with your original plan.
- 最初の計画に従ったほうがいい。
I'll stick with my decision.
- 自分の決断に従います。
Stick with me, and you'll be fine.
- 私についてくれば大丈夫です。
As I Recall
日本語訳: 私の記憶では
英英辞典の定義: Used when you are saying what you remember about a particular event, person, etc.
As I recall, the meeting is scheduled for 3 PM.
- 私の記憶では、会議は午後3時に予定されています。
As I recall, you were the one who suggested this idea.
- 私の記憶では、あなたがこのアイデアを提案したんですよね。
As I recall, he has already submitted his report.
- 私の記憶では、彼はすでにレポートを提出しました。
There's a Difference Between
日本語訳: ~の間には違いがある
英英辞典の定義: Used to point out that two things are not the same and have distinct differences.
There's a difference between knowing and understanding.
- 知っていることと理解することには違いがある。
There's a difference between a manager and a leader.
- マネージャーとリーダーには違いがある。
There's a difference between saying and doing.
- 言うことと行うことには違いがある。
日本語訳: 満足している(形容詞)、内容(名詞)
英英辞典の定義: Satisfied and happy (as an adjective); the ideas, facts, or opinions that are contained in a speech, piece of writing, film, program, etc. (as a noun).
She is content with her current job.
- 彼女は今の仕事に満足している。
The content of the book was very interesting.
- その本の内容はとても興味深かった。
He added new content to his website.
- 彼はウェブサイトに新しいコンテンツを追加した。
日本語訳: 接続する、つながる
英英辞典の定義: To join or be joined with something else.
We need to connect these two wires.
- この2本のワイヤーを接続する必要がある。
I feel like I can really connect with her.
- 彼女とは本当に心が通じ合える気がする。
The bridge connects the two cities.
- その橋は二つの都市をつないでいる。
日本語訳: 会話的な
英英辞典の定義: Appropriate to an informal conversation.
His tone was very conversational.
- 彼の口調はとても会話的だった。
She has a conversational style of writing.
- 彼女は会話的なスタイルで書いている。
Let's keep this meeting conversational.
- この会議は会話形式にしましょう。