Recently, I have started using a method to improve my language learning called "immersion."
Literally, immersion means being engaged in learning another language most of the time.
One part of my immersion learning is speaking English while walking in the morning.
Maybe thanks to this, I feel like I'm becoming more fluent in English in just a short time.
So, I will continue speaking English.
Most of the Time
Most of the time, I enjoy my job.
- ほとんどの時間、私は仕事を楽しんでいます。
She is very busy most of the time, but she always finds time for her family.
- 彼女はほとんどの時間とても忙しいが、家族のための時間は必ず見つける。
Most of the time, the weather is nice here.
- ここでは、ほとんどの時間、天気がいいです。
In Just a Short Time
In just a short time, he became a master of the game.
- ほんの短い時間で、彼はそのゲームの達人になった。
You can cook this meal in just a short time.
- この食事はほんの短い時間で調理できます。
In just a short time, we will see the results of our efforts.
- ほんの短い時間で、私たちの努力の結果が見えるでしょう。